Kanban Agile development - noi-techpark/documentation GitHub Wiki


  • Everybody can put cards in the backlog. The card describes a user story, which is structured as follows:
As a [type of user]
I want to [do something]
So that I can [get some benefit]
  • On each sprint (2 weeks in our case) the team will meet and discuss which user-stories will be put on the todo lane. Every user-story will than be converted to an issue (if not done beforehand) and assigned to 1 or more person(s) and to the correct repository. The issue can also be labeled and/or bound to a milestone if deemed necessary.
  • Before the assigned person starts to work on the issue, he has to move the issue from todo to in progress. Each assignee shouldn't have more than 3 userstories in the in progress lane
  • As soon as the assignee thinks he finished his assignment he puts the user-story in the testing lane and from this point onwards he is not allowed to move it to another lane
  • Each user-story has to be tested by a different role, depending on the content of the story. If the tester deems the user-story to be fullfilled it will be put on the done lane, otherwise the user-story will be set back to the backlog.
  • Once the project is finished the user-stories will be moved to the archive


To understand priorities and order them correspondently, labeling has to be done correctly.

These are the labels you should use ordered by importance:

  • bug: this label is often misinterpreted and used when something looks not exactly as imagined. Only use this label when something really does not work, or breaks some functionality.
  • enhancement: this label should be used when you need an improvement or a new functionality
  • question: as the name says use it when you need information to be able to complete a thing your working on
  • help want: if you are not able to solve this issue alone, one of your colleges, which already finished his priorities can help
  • duplicate: when it already exists in the project