Recovery of Aloha Coin BKI Android app (2017) keys using seed phrase - nohea/alohacoin-bki GitHub Wiki

If the Aloha Coin BKI Android app doesn't work, the coin may be recovered from the seed phrase, because it conforms to the BIP44 specification.

The BIP32 Derivation path of the 2017 Aloha Coin Android app:

Regular public addresses and private keys: m/44'/99'/0'/0

"Change Addresses" and private keys: m/44'/99'/0'/1

It is possible to enter it in the tools and generate the same public/private key pairs as the android app. If imported one-by-one into a desktop wallet, the coins may be recovered and spent.

Using the same seed phrase in a used Android app, you can enter the same in the tool.

  • enter the 15 word seed phrase used in the Android app
  • select "Aloha Coin BKI" from the Coin menu
  • External / Internal: 0 for received transactions in the app. 1 for "change" addresses after spending.

All the "Received" addresses in the app's transaction history is in the first listed addresses from the tool. One run for "External", one for "Internal".

That means the coin can be recovered outside the tool by taking all the matching private key WIF addresses from the tool and importing each into a desktop client command line using "importprivkey" from the debug console.

It is not a user-friendly process, but it is possible with patience and work.