Project Setup - nogalskisam/Bug-Tracker GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the Bug-Tracker project setup page.


Setup with VS Code

  • Build the application by using the dotnet build command in the .sln directory
  • Browse to the BugTracker.Site directory and install npm packages using npm install
  • Use ng build to build the Angular Application
  • Use dotnet run to run application. Alternatively run application from Visual Studio

Create the database

  • Create a new local database. For this project, you can use BugTracker
  • Modify the string variable named connection in Startup.cs in the BugTracker.Site project (to be moved to appsettings.json Connection String in the future)
  • Modify the DefaultConnection connection string in appsettings.json to be a connection to your database

VS Code/.NET Core CLI

  • Use the dotnet ef database update command to update the database

Visual Studio

  • Open the Package Manage Console by going to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console
  • Run the update-database command with the BugTracker.Site as the startup project and BugTracker.DataAccess as the default project