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Companies of Interest

Social Network Analytics

Facebook Mutual Friend Network Visualization

Focused on analytics for Facebook. Allows you to map which friends in your network know each other. If you have a large group of friends this prototype can take a LONG time to load. Written by Daniel Claren, a Flash / Flex developer. Can sort by male/female and mutual friends. Very convoluted.


see your network of friends represented in a wheel format. Forming the circumference of the wheel are “your friends” with spokes created by “friends who know each other.” Much cleaner, but hard to determine much from the network.

Facebook Visualizer

a tool to graphically explore your social network filtering on criteria including gender and relationship status [just pretend your a matchmaker and you'll get the idea]. The real promise of a tool like this will be advanced filtering including membership in groups and networks.


An extraordinary tool built on Graphviz twopi and neato. It calculates friend similarity by parsing profiles (through the Facebook API), and highlights links between friends who share interests and groups. While the generated image is static, browsing the connections is dynamic: clicking a friend node shows who they are friends with, as well as all commonalities with mutual friends.


Lets you see how your friends are connected, and who has the most photos together. A polished application that works quite well it also ranked as our #1 choice because of its extensibility. TouchGraph has a suite of products for visualizing data in spreadsheets, on Amazon and in the Google-Sphere.

SRC: List of Top 5 Visualization Tools for Facebook


Visual contact management. Looks messy, not gamified. Like how the content is totally editable.

The Brain

For ideas and files, not sure how it relates. Might learn something from their UI.

Twenty Feet Measures facebook # of friends, comments, likes, and statuses over time as well as other types of social media.

Social Networks


  • API implemented, first focus of demo.


  • No api setup yet.

Contact Aggregators


Acquired by Linkedin, provides profile information from facebook, twitter, etc. right on Gmail.

Customer Relationship Management



Game for cleaning out your email box. Tagline: "Organize your Gmail and have fun while doing it."


Amazing gamified example of teaching coding.