Brief summary of lectures - noerten/coursera-nodejs GitHub Wiki

Node Modules

  • Each file in Node is its own module
  • The module variable gives access to the current module definition in a file
  • The module.exports variable determines the export from the current module
  • The require function is used to import a module example
module.exports = function(x,y,callback) {
  try {
    if (x < 0 || y < 0) {
        throw new Error("Rectangle dimensions should be greater than zero: l = "
                            + x + ", and b = " + y);
         callback(null, {
            perimeter: function () {
        		   return (2*(x+y));
            area:function () {
        		    return (x*y);
  catch (error) {
var rect = require('./rectangle-2');

function solveRect(l,b) {
    console.log("Solving for rectangle with l = "
                + l + " and b = " + b);
    rect(l,b, function(err,rectangle) {
        if (err) {
	else {
	    console.log("The area of a rectangle of dimensions length = "
                 + l + " and breadth = " + b + " is " + rectangle.area());
            console.log("The perimeter of a rectangle of dimensions length = "
                 + l + " and breadth = " + b + " is " + rectangle.perimeter());