Event Organization Thoughts - nodeschool/saopaulo GitHub Wiki

Random Event Organizational Things

additions welcome!


  • ask mentors to get to the space 15-30 min early
  • especially request mentors with Windows/Linux node experience
  • order pizza ahead of time

Day of Event

mentor check-in before the event

  • briefly chat about: handling CoC reports, helping people get settled as they come in, circulate a lot during the event
  • if there are many mentors and fewer attendees, chat about making NodeSchool improvements like redoing the website or updating workshoppers
  • get a volunteer or two to help with opening the door and performing check-in
    • the person checking in will watch the door and check people in on ti.to throughout the event
    • it's helpful to ask if attendees need help getting installing or set up, so they can be directed to mentors at the start


  • do some node stuff


  • have some drinks somewhere