Server Configuration - nodejayes/molly GitHub Wiki

Option required default Description
binding X the Address to bind the Socket
port X the Port Address to bind
mongoUrl X MongoDb Connection String
mongoDatabase X MongoDb Database Name
mongoReplicaSet rs0 MongoDb ReplicaSet Name
mongoAuthDatabase admin MongoDb Authentication Database
models Array of Model Classes
clear false Delete Database and Collections
useWebsocket false Use Websockets instead of Requests
certFile Path to SSL Certificate
keyFile Path to SSL Public Key
caFile Path to SSL Certification Chain
staticFiles Path to Folder with static Files
documentationPort Port Number where the Documentation was running
packageFolder cwd Path to current Package
authentication a Function that returns true or false for Custom Authentication
corsOrigin address set the CORS Origin Addresses
corsHeaders set the CORS Headers to allow
corsCredentials false set the CORS Credentials

cwd = Current Working Directory



The Array of the Models is only to Execute the Decorators so that the Model Definitions was added to Molly. When you not declare it only the Models You use before start the Server was available in Molly.

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