Web Application - nodebotrpa/editor GitHub Wiki

Web Application Automation

NodeBot RPA uses chromedriver to automate browsers.



Data Extract

Search Google

How To Attach A Running Chrome Instance

New Session

Open browser with a blank page

Parameter Name Description
Browser Supports only Chrome now
Implicit Wait time for trying to find any element
Script Wait time for executing a script
PageLoad Wait time for navigating to address
Maximize Maximizes the browser window
Session Name Assign a name to the session to use it later

Change Session

Switches to session

Parameter Name Description
Session Name Name of created session

Navigate To

Navigates to url

Parameter Name Description
Url URL of web site
Wait Until Page Load Waits until web page loaded

Send Keys

Send keys to web element

Parameter Name Description
XPath XPath of web element
Text Text to be typed. You can use hotkeys between {} eg. {CTRL}. Use {NULL} to release hotkeys
Clear Clears web element text before typing
Wait Until Item Visible Waits until web element visible


Perform mouse actions

Parameter Name Description
XPath XPath of web element
Action Mouse action (move, click, double click, mouse down, mouse up)
Button Mouse button (left, right, middle)
Offset X X Offset of web element
Offset Y Y Offset of web element
Wait Until Item Visible Waits until web element visible before mouse action


Perform alert popup window actions

Parameter Name Description
Action Accept or dismiss alert. Use send keys action to enter text
Text Text result of alert

Set Element

Sets element value or attribute value. Use send keys to enter text, use this to change values (eg combobox, select) or to change attribute values.

Parameter Name Description
Element XPath of web element
Attribute Attribute name
Text Value to set

Get Element

Gets element text, value or attribute values.

Parameter Name Description
Action You can get text, value, attribute value, status (selected, enabled, displayed, exists) and count of element
Element XPath of web element
Attribute Attribute name
Result variable name Specifies the variable name to assign the output. Output result is storing on local.

Window Actions

Perform browser window related actions

Parameter Name Description
Action You can perform these actions. Actions are Close, Navigate Back, Navigate Forward, Maximize Window, Minimize Window, Full Screen and Refresh

Set Title

Changes current window title

Parameter Name Description
Title New window title

Switch Frame

Perform switch frame actions

Parameter Name Description
Action Switch actions, Frame : Switch to frame given xpath. Parent Frame : Switch to parent of current frame. Default Content : Switch to content of current window
Element XPath of Frame

Switch Window

Perform switch window actions

Parameter Name Description
Action Switch actions, Match Title, Next Window, Previous Window, First Window, Last Window
Title Title of target window. You can use wildcards like * or leave blank for empty title

Get Window

Gets Window title or url

Parameter Name Description
Action Title or URL
Result variable name Specifies the variable name to assign the output. Output result is storing on local.

Execute Script

Executes javascript and returns result of script

Parameter Name Description
Script Javascript code. Example : return document.readyState;
Result variable name Specifies the variable name to assign the output. Output result is storing on local.

Take Screenshot

Takes screenshot of window or web element

Parameter Name Description
Element Xpath of element. If blank means window screenshot
File Name Save screenshot to file

Scrape Table

Scrapes table data.

Parameter Name Description
Table Xpath of table element
Header Xpath of table header element (Rest of table)
Row Xpath of table row element (Rest of table)
Col Xpath of table column element (Rest of table)
Is First Record Header? Use first record as header
Result Variable Name Specifies the variable name to assign the output. Output result is storing on local

Extract Data

Extracts datas.

Parameter Name Description
Scrape Data Scrape information. You can use Web Data Scraping tool result text.
Result Variable Name Specifies the variable name to assign the output. Output result is storing on local