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Excel Automation

Automates excel application by performing actions like read, set values, etc. MS Excel must be installed to use automation.


Open Workbook

Opens/Activates Excel workbook or creates an empty one

Parameter Name Description
Filename Full path of Excel spreadsheet. If filename is empty or filename can't be found on specified path, create a new Excel spreadsheet
Visible When selected the Excel application is in the foreground and when it is cleared all done in the background

Close Workbook

Closes or Saves Excel workbook

Parameter Name Description
Filename Full path of Excel spreadsheet
Action Close/Save/Save As option

Add Sheet

Adds or activates sheet

Parameter Name Description
Sheet Name Name of sheet
Sheet Index Index of sheet. If sheet index is zero, uses sheet name
Add New Sheet If it is checked, a new sheet using sheet name will be added

Active Sheet

Returns active sheet of workbook

Parameter Name Description
Variable Specifies the variable name to assign the output. Output result is storing on local. You can get sheet name via msg.payload also.

Active Workbook

Returns active workbook name

Parameter Name Description
Variable Specifies the variable name to assign the output. Output result is storing on local. You can get sheet name via msg.payload also.

Sheet Names

Returns sheet names and sheet count

Parameter Name Description
Variable Specifies the variable name to assign the output. Output result is storing on local. You can get sheet name via msg.payload also.

Get Cell

Return cell displayed text or value

Parameter Name Description
Return Cell Specifies the value or displayed text of cell
Cell address Specifies the adress of cell. Usage : A1
Column number Specifies the index of column. First column number is 1
Row number Specifies the index of row. First row number is 1
Variable Specifies the variable name to assign the output. Output result is storing on local. You can get sheet name via msg.payload also.

Set Cell

Sets cell value

Parameter Name Description
Cell address Specifies the adress of cell. Usage : A1
Column number Specifies the index of column. First column number is 1
Row number Specifies the index of row. First row number is 1
Text Specifies the new value of cell.

Run Macro

Runs macro

Parameter Name Description
Macro Name of macro

Extract Data

Extracts given cell data. You must give cell range info or col,row numbers. If you didnt give both of these infos, automaticaly detects the used cell range.

Parameter Name Description
Cell range Specifies the cell range which will be extracted eg. A1:B20.
Start row Specifies the start row number.
Start col Specifies the start column number.
End row Specifies the end row number.
End col Specifies the end column number.
First record header? If it is checked, first row will be header data.
Variable Specifies the variable name to assign the output. Output result is storing on local.

Write Dataset

Writes dataset data to excel file. If filename is empty, writes data to the active worksheet.

Parameter Name Description
Dataset Specifies the name of dataset.
Filename Specifies the name of excel file to be written. If filename is empty, writes data to the active worksheet.
Column nuber Specifies the start column number.
Row number Specifies the start row number.
Write header? Checked it, if you want to write header.