Custom serializers and deserializers - nmorel/gwt-jackson GitHub Wiki
First, create a class that extends com.github.nmorel.gwtjackson.client.JsonSerializer
if you want to create a serializer or com.github.nmorel.gwtjackson.client.JsonDeserializer
for a deserializer.
public class PersonJsonSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Person> { ... }
The parameter of JsonSerializer
and JsonDeserializer
is the type you want to (de)serialize.
Then implement your (de)serialization logic in the doSerialize or doDeserialize method.
public void doSerialize( JsonWriter writer, Person person, JsonSerializationContext ctx, JsonSerializerParameters params ) {
writer.value( person.getFirstname() + " " + person.getLastname() );
In order for the generator to instantiate your (de)serializer, you need a public constructor or, better, a public static method that returns a singleton instance.
private static final PersonSerializer INSTANCE = new PersonSerializer();
* @return an instance of {@link PersonSerializer}
public static PersonSerializer getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
private PersonSerializer() { }
The generator first looks for a static method and default to constructor if it can't find one.
In the end, you should have something similar to :
public class PersonSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Person> {
private static final PersonSerializer INSTANCE = new PersonSerializer();
* @return an instance of {@link PersonSerializer}
public static PersonSerializer getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
private PersonSerializer() { }
protected void doSerialize( JsonWriter writer, Person person, JsonSerializationContext ctx, JsonSerializerParameters params ) {
writer.value( person.getFirstname() + " " + person.getLastname() );
If the type you want to (de)serialize is a generic type like Optional, the (de)serializers for the generic's types will be passed to the constructor or static method of your (de)serializer. So you have to add them like OptionalJsonSerializer :
private final JsonSerializer<T> serializer;
* @param serializer {@link JsonSerializer} used to serialize the object inside the {@link Optional}.
private OptionalJsonSerializer( JsonSerializer<T> serializer ) {
if ( null == serializer ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "serializer cannot be null" );
this.serializer = serializer;
For generic Object serialization and deserialization additional parameters need to be provided. For example the full specified class name of the generic object has to be stored.
@JsonTypeInfo(use=Id.CLASS, include=As.PROPERTY, property="class")
public Object object;
Additionally a list of classes that are eligible for generic serialization/deserialization have to be whitelisted in the confuration:
protected void configure() {
whitelist("com.package.wildcard.*");//wildcard matching works too
To register your (de)serializer, create a class that extends com.github.nmorel.gwtjackson.client.AbstractConfiguration
Then register your class in your *.gwt.xml file with the property gwtjackson.configuration.extension
<extend-configuration-property name="gwtjackson.configuration.extension" value="com.MyConfiguration" />
Inside the configure()
method, you can define serializer and/or deserializer for :
- primitive types :
primitiveType( boolean.class ).serializer( BooleanJsonSerializer.class ).deserializer( BooleanJsonDeserializer.class );
- types :
type( String.class ).serializer( StringJsonSerializer.class ).deserializer( StringJsonDeserializer.class );
- Map's key type :
key( UUID.class ).serializer( UUIDKeySerializer.class ).deserializer( UUIDKeyDeserializer.class );
You can look at the Guava extension for additional examples :