Tool access - nmdp-bioinformatics/dash GitHub Wiki

If you choose to create your own AWS instance using the provided AMI, please go to the AWS Account Creation and Setup wiki page

If you choose to utilize the shared Hackathon instance, please go to the Shared Hackathon Server Access wiki page

Access to the tools during hackathon

to be completed...

  • The IT infrastructure necessary to develop and test code quickly (hack without looking back)

The following items will be documented very shortly
(Note that order may change:)

  • Using the NMDP-developed AMI (ami-72d4631a)
  • Installing the software on your own system
  • finding the data on the AMI
  • logging into the NMDP-provided instance
  • requesting an account on the NMDP-provided instance
  • tools included on the AMI, and NMDP-provided instance

Tools included on the AMI (and on the NMDP-provided instance)

  • standard Linux system tools, including wget, curl, emacs, vim
  • source control manipulation tools: git, subversion
  • java development tools: openjdk 1.7, maven
  • pipeline related tools: nmdp-ngs-tools, SSAKE, bwa, samtools, gl-tools, blat, sra-toolkit
  • misc tools: groovy
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