DaSH 14 - nmdp-bioinformatics/dash GitHub Wiki

DaSH 14

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Thirteen DaSH events have been held since September 2014, the most recent in Rochester, MN, in September 2023. This Immunopeptidomics Hackathon will be organized by the NMDP and Willie Hildebrand and his group. The main topics of this hackathon are to create standards and code to store and transfer the following.

  • Peptide ligands (Immunopeptidomics)
    • HLA Class I and II peptide ligands
    • HLA ligand/epitope predictions
    • Interpretation of mass spectrometry immunopeptidomics data
    • HUPO-HIPP: standards organization hupo.org
  • Non-peptide Ligands (Metabolic Ligands, Lipid Ligands)
    • CD1 (non-classical)
    • MR1, Riboflavin (non-classical)
    • Solving molecular structures with mass spectrometry data


Staring at 8:00 am on Tuesday September 17th, 2024 and ending at 12:30pm on Thursday September 19th, 2024.


The location will be on the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center campus in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA.


Contact Mike Wright [email protected] to register