DaSH 13 - nmdp-bioinformatics/dash GitHub Wiki

DaSH 13

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A two and a half day hackathon will be held at the Rochester Civic Center, Minnesota, Wednesday 13th to Friday 15th September 2023. People will hack on data standards to transfer HLA, KIR and other genomic data, and create code to transfer, transform, annotate and report this data. As it is a hackathon, everyone is welcome to come and work on their own topic in a room of like-minded people. There have been twelve previous DaSH events across America, Europe and online. As this is the first in person event for just over four years we are encouraging participation by providing all meals during the hackathon, and two buses from Minneapolis Airport to Rochester on Tuesday 12th September, and for the return journey after the hackathon finishes.

The main topic of work will be improving the Gene Feature Enumeration Service, and its general applicability. GFE is an anchor/foundation for building bridges to other clinical variation standards. The Global Alliance for Genomics Health has started an Immunogenomics working group, which is focusing on GFE for linking HLA variation to other loci. The focus is using VRS as a universal language for genomics/clinical genomics. We also hope to look at the PanGenome and KIR in these contexts.


The meeting starts at 8:00 am on Wednesday 13th, finishing about 12:30pm on Friday 15th September 2023.


If you wish to attend please send an email to Michael ([email protected]), along with proof of your COVID-19 vaccination status.