DASH9 - nmdp-bioinformatics/dash GitHub Wiki


DaSH9 Denver

A two-day hackathon will be held on the campus at the University of Colorado, the last Thursday and Friday in May 2019. People will hack on data standards to transfer HLA and KIR data, and create code to transfer, transform, annotate and report this data. As it is a hackathon, everyone is welcome to come and work on their own topic in a room of like-minded people. There have been eight previous DaSH events across America and Europe. For further details, please contact Michael Wright, [email protected] or Martin Maiers [email protected].


During previous DaSH events, participants helped finalize specifications for MIRING, worked on tools implementing it (e.g., HML 1.0), and considered ways how to express novel polymorphisms without human curation (e.g., Gene Feature Enumeration). Suggested topics for this event include

  • Development of Gene Feature Enumeration (GFE) tools to:
  • allow dissection of allele names for HLA and KIR
  • allow batch conversion of allele names data to GFE
  • Updating the GL Service to incorporate UIDs into URIs
  • Development of PHYCuS (Public Haplotype frequencY Curation Service)
  • HL7-FHIR to report consensus sequence
  • Develop a general purpose HLA validation and resolution assessment service


The meeting starts at 8:00 am on Thursday May 30th, finishing about 5:30pm on Friday May 31st 2019. We may extended into Saturday or go hike in the mountains or both.


On the campus of the University of Colorado, Denver. Further details: Please contact Michael Wright, [email protected] or Martin Maiers [email protected].