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Virtual Data Standards Hackathon 2022

17 & 18 February 2022

Following several previous in person DaSHes, including two virtual DaSHes, we announce the date for the next virtual hackathon.


The primary purpose of this hackathon is to get ready for the 18th International HLA & Immunogenetics Workshop. However, people are free to hack on any data standards to help transfer HLA and KIR data, and to create code to transfer, transform, annotate and report this data.


The meeting runs from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm central US time on both Thursday 17th, and Friday 18th February 2022, about 3 months before the workshop.

#Where: Online, wherever you have a computer and access to the internet. We will be using Gathertown to run the meeting. Fuller descriptions and more specific goals will follow, this event is free to attend.

For further details: Please contact Martin Maiers [email protected].