DASH11 - nmdp-bioinformatics/dash GitHub Wiki


DaSH11 Virtual Hackathon

People hacked on data standards to transfer HLA and KIR data, and create code to transfer, transform, annotate and report this data. These hackathons will focus on three topics:

  • Gene Feature Annotation (GFE)
  • Global haplotype frequencies
  • Work towards the 18th workshop

This was free to attend. For further details: Please email Michael Wright [email protected].


We held a two day, 16-hour virtual hackathon. 27 people asked to be part of it, although seven were not active on gather.town. The 20 attendees comprised of seven from NMDP, ten from academia/health, and three from commercial companies. Five of the attendees were attending their first DaSH event. There were people from three time zones, with a spread across the globe of 9 hours. We used slack, GitHub and gather.town to collaborate. The respondents said they had a good overall satisfaction with the meeting, for the discussion, and for collaboration. For the use of GitHub, slack and gather.town the satisfaction was between good and very good. The satisfaction rating for gather.town was higher than that for WebEx for DaSH10, although not significantly so. All respondents said the goals of the meeting were clear, the right people were present, and the right topics were covered, and the event was the right length of time. People thought that using gather.town to host the meeting was successful, better than WebEx/Zoom.

screen capture of one of the rooms in gather.town