DASH10 - nmdp-bioinformatics/dash GitHub Wiki
DaSH10 VIRTUAL - Data Standards for HLA
A two-day hackathon will be held in cyberspace. The event will start at 0700 US Pacific Time Thursday 23rd and go for 48 hours ending at 0700 US Pacific time on Saturday 25th of April, 2020. This will allow people to attend from various parts of the globe and join as they are able.
People will hack on data standards to transfer HLA and KIR data, and create code to transfer, transform, annotate and report this data.
This hackathon will focus on three topics:
- The development of a database of HLA and COVID-19 data to support global efforts in this area HLACOVID19.org
- The development of database tools for the [18th IHIW] (http://www.ihiw18.org)
- The development of tools for validating and processing HLA genotyping results in [HML 1.0.1] (http://schemas.nmdp.org) format
There have been nine previous DaSH events across America and Europe.
Further details: Please contact Michael Wright, [email protected] or Martin Maiers [email protected].
looking for the DaSH10 Wiki?
Thats here: https://github.com/nmdp-bioinformatics/DASH10/wiki
We held a 48-hour virtual hackathon. 52 people asked to be part of it, nine from NMDP, 29 from academia, registries or health organizations, and 14 from companies. Exactly half the attendees were attending their first DaSH. There were people in eight time zones, with a 16-hour spread. We used slack, GitHub and video conferencing to collaborate. The survey respondents said they had a good to very good overall satisfaction with the meeting, with lower ratings for the discussion, collaboration and use of GitHub, all of which were closer to good. When compared to scores from similar questions for the previous five physical events, this event receives lower ratings. The lowest mean score was for the satisfaction with how WebEx was used, which was between neutral and good. This makes sense as WebEx was only sporadically used, and sometimes meetings ended unexpectedly. The respondents said the goals of the meeting were clear, the right people were present, and the right topics were covered. Only one person thought the meeting should have been longer.
All respondents who answered the question said they wanted another virtual hackathon. It is likely that more people are interested in attending such a low-cost event than will actually have the time to code or discuss things. This is to be expected of virtual hackathons, even when not during a pandemic. The number of active attendees is about the average of all previous DaSHes, and having 25 active external attendees is higher than average.