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First DaSH for NGS held in 2014

Data Standards Hackathon - developing a new way to exchange NGS data for HLA and KIR

September 26 & 27, 2014 The hackathon occurred immediately following the FDA Public Workshop: Next-Generation Sequencing Standards. The FDA workshop was focused on next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, data formats standardization and promotion of interoperability protocols.


The goal of the hackathon was to:

  • have implementers work to integrate a toolset with the various NGS systems and analysis software packages currently in use.

Hackathon attendees should be prepared to provide feedback on:

  • how well the tools work together,
  • how they work with extant NGS software and standards,
  • elements that need fixing (and fix them),
  • additional elements required to qualify as a MIBBI.

The hackathon’s success was measured by our ability to achieve interoperability for the community and a vetted MIRING and HML 1.0.

Get started with the pipeline tutorial here.

Agenda for Bethesda

Friday, 26 September 2014

Time Description
8:30am Aims & goals
Explanation of tools available. Jeremy Anderson to explain use of AWS. All attendees state what they want to work on, and arrange themselves into groups; this will be based on GitHub discussions held before the meeting.
10:00am Break Into working groups
Separate tables for similar coding projects, or discussions.
1:00pm Buffet lunch sponsored by Pacific Biosciences.
2:00pm Return to working groups.
5:00pm Break
6:30pm Dinner in the hotel sponsored by Roche
7:30pm Report back from groups<br >Each working group reports on what they did during the day.
Evening Personal time to spend on coding, discussions or relaxation

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Time Description
8:00am Breakfast
8:30am Goals of each group
Brief restatement of aims, to allow people to change groups.
9:00am Break into working groups
Separate tables for similar coding projects, or discussions.
12:00pm Buffet lunch sponsored by Laboratory Corporation of America
1:00pm Return to working groups.
Wrap up work and prepare a summary for each working group to share with everyone.
3:00 pm Report back from groups
Each group reports on what they did during the hackathon.
4:00pm Close of meeting
Evening Informal discussions
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