DASH Validation - nmdp-bioinformatics/dash GitHub Wiki

DaSH Validation

Data Standards Hackathon

A three-day hackathon will be held at the main NMDP office in Minneapolis, Wednesday 22 to Friday 24 January 2020. The sole aim of this DaSH is to develop HLA/KIR validation that can be adopted by vendors for 18th workshop efforts. The particular needs of this workshop are to allow people to return GL String formatted genotype calls, using either strict or non-strict modes, but also require that they return MIRING-compliant consensus sequence that those genotype calls were generated from, along with the pertinent IPD-IMGT/HLA Database version under which the calls were made from the consensus sequence. This will allow validation of the genotype calls, and call-independent re-evaluation of the typing under different database versions.


The input format is a separate concern from the validation framework. Any MIRING capable data format can in principle be converted to any other. However, HL7-FHIR is the validation framework with the maturity and tooling and accessibility to make something that can applied universally (not just for reporting to NMDP or IHIWS), consequently it is likely we will include HL7 FHIR R4. But this validation does not necessarily have to be HL7/FHIR unless a vendor is using HL7/FHIR for their reporting.


We will start working on Wednesday 9:00am, and finish at 3:00pm on Friday.

Further details:

Please contact Michael Wright, [email protected] or Martin Maiers [email protected].
