2015 Agenda - nmdp-bioinformatics/dash GitHub Wiki

Agenda (draft)

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Time Description
6:30pm Meet in lobby of Marriott La Jolla, 4240 La Jolla Village Drive
Congregate in the hotel before walking to dinner
7:00pm Dinner at San Diego Seasons 52, 4505 La Jolla Village Drive C1
Dinner and dialogue about topics for discussion and hacking during the following days. Sponsored by Roche.
Evening Return to hotel

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Time Description
8:00am Breakfast in Marriott La Jolla, 4240 La Jolla Village Drive
A chance for introductions for those unable to attend the Wednesday evening dinner. There will be two sittings, and we will let you know which time you should attend.
9:30am Meet in lobby of Marriott La Jolla, 4240 La Jolla Village Drive
To shuttle to the meeting venue, Illumina
10:00am Receive name badges and Wi-Fi access at Illumina, 5200 Illumina Way, San Diego
10:15am Break into working groups
Separate tables for similar coding projects, or discussions
1:00pm Lunch
Sponsored by GenDx
1:45pm Return to working groups
5:00pm Cocktail Hour on Patio
Sponsored by Illumina
5:30pm Dinner
Sponsored by Illumina
7:30pm Shuttle back to Marriott hotel
Evening Personal time to spend on coding or discussions

Friday, 20 February 2015

Time Description
8:00am Meet in lobby of Marriott La Jolla, 4240 La Jolla Village Drive
To shuttle to the meeting venue, Illumina
8:30am Breakfast at Illumina, 5200 Illumina Way, San Diego
Presentation on data handling by the Senior Manager of Scientific Computing at Illumina
9:00am Break into working groups
Separate tables for similar coding projects, or discussions
12:00pm Lunch
sponsored by Pacific Biosciences
12:45pm Return to working groups
Wrap up work and prepare a summary for each working group to share with everyone
5:00 pm Report back from groups
Each group reports on what they did during the hackathon.
6:00pm Close of meeting
Shuttle back to Marriott
6:30pm Meet in lobby of Marriott La Jolla, 4240 La Jolla Village Drive
Before walking to dinner
7:00pm Dinner at Roy's Restaurant La Jolla, 8670 Genesee Avenue
Dinner and discussion about what next for DaSH for NGS
Evening Return to hotel
Possibly visiting Draft Republic on the way back to the hotel, to experience a wide range of beers (self-financed)
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