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DaSH 17
A two day hackathon will be held in Prague, 12th and 13th May 2025. This event is being co-organized with Gottfried Fischer, Antonij (Tony) Slavčev and NMDP.
The topics of this hackathon are:
- support for 19th IHIW projects, e.g. LILR nomenclature
- patient antibody data standards (HAML = HLA Antibody Markup Language, plstring = phenotype list string)
- haplotype frequency data standards
The meeting starts at 9:00 am on Monday 12th, finishing about 5: pm on Tuesday 13th May 2025.
Wednesday 14th has been left free to avoid overlap with EFI committee meetings.
Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czech Republic, Earth. Room Club A
If you wish to attend, please send an email to Michael Wright.
Further details: Please contact Michael Wright, [email protected] or Martin Maiers [email protected]. A This focus does not preclude people coming and working on their own topic in a room of like-minded people. Due to the interactive and collaborative nature of this event there will not be an online option.