catchpy - nmaekawa/hx-provision GitHub Wiki
Details on how to use hx-provision to config a catchpy vagrant instance.
The following directions pick up from the setup
in Home_.
For demo purposes only! provided only to show how to setup a catchpy vagrant installation and support to this repo is OUT-OF-SCOPE at this time.
To start the catchpy and database vagrant instances:
(venv) $> vagrant up catchpy dbserver
You can login into box like below, so the ssh host key
fingerprint is stored in ~/.ssh/known_hosts
. This helps with ansible-playbook
when installing catchpy:
$> ssh [email protected] -i ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key
# apply playbook catchpy_play.yml
(venv) $> ansible-playbook -i hosts/vagrant_catchpy.ini catchpy_play.yml --extra-vars project_name=catchpy
If all goes well, you should be able to see the django-admin ui with login user:password
And check the catchpy api:
To create auth tokens, please refer to the catchpy repo readme:
Running the provisioning like in the previous step, renders a default install:
- postgres database
, owned by usercatchpy
with passwordcatchpy
- root dir for catchpy is
; in there you'll find the virtualenv, logs, catchpy repo clone, config/dotenv files - catchpy django app will run with gunicorn; check
- django admin user is 'user:password'
- nginx in vagrant uses HTTP
Django app logs are redirected to /var/log/syslog
The django app is setup to use gunicorn and supervisor so if you need to restart the webapp do:
$> sudo supervisorctl restart catchpy