Keynote - nlp4re/2019 GitHub Wiki
NLP4RE will feature a Keynote from Vincenzo Gervasi, University of Pisa on:
Requirements Philology
Abstract: While most of the research in Requirements Engineering has to do with the contents of requirements specifications, at times their nature as documents is overlooked.
We will investigate how lessons from the Humanities, which have had far more time to develop document-centered research methods, can be used to attack specific requirements problems -- and especially, how certain theoretically-unpleasant, but widely practiced manipulations of natural language documents, are fundamental for the efficient inner workings of large organizations, and how petty sins at times serve the greater good.
Biography: Vincenzo Gervasi is Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa. He graduated in Information Science at the University of Pisa in 1993. After a period of industrial experience, he returned to academia obtaining a PhD in Computer Science in 2000, and then held the positions of researcher until 2014, when he was appointed associate professor at the Department of Computer Science. Since 2004 he has been an Honorary Associate at the University of Technology in Sydney.
Vincenzo Gervasi's research interests revolve around the cognitive aspects of software engineering. In this field, several collateral branches have been developed, which have led him to work on topics such as natural language processing, knowledge representation and processing, non-monotonic logics, formal methods and specification languages, and more recently, artificial intelligence techniques and automatic learning. Some strands have since evolved towards the study and definition of languages for software requirements, traceability in software, and distributed bioinspired systems.
The results of this research are documented in more than 100 publications in international fora, see his Google Scholar page.