LAB ASSIGNMENT 5 - nlns3444/cs5551_6-2_lab-assignments GitHub Wiki

Member 1 Name: Nukala Lakshmi Naga Sai Sandeep

Class id: 23

Member 2 Name: Sireesha Pandala

Class id: 24

Wiki link:

ICP team ID: 6-2


Created a client-server application having

1.Login and Registration Pages: The application should have a login page for the existing user and the registration page for new users

2.DatabaseCreate MongoDB collections related to my project. to demonstrate create/update/delete operations

3.Homepages custom REST services for CRUD operation in MongoDB for one of the use cases related to my project

4.Node Module Use at least one useful node module related to your project for real-time communication.

after creating the client-server application we need to run that on the system

after that process you need to run the app on the terminal by node js commands

the code that is responsible for the working of the app

the app will run on the local host and the app opens with this home page

in this page we can see the login page for the existing user

on the top feild i had given my name and entered my friend name whom name i wanna chat with

this page shows that i had logged in and ready to chat with my friend