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Lab Assignment 1

**Member1: Class id-23

**Member2: Class id-24

ICP Team ID:6-2


1.Nukala Lakshmi Naga Sai Sandeep(GitHub Creation, ZenHub iterations, wiki)

2.Pandala Sireesha(Hello World App in Android Studio, UML Class Diagram, wiki)

Creating Hello World App in Android

Open Android Studio and click on Start a new Android Studio project. In the Create New Project, enter Application Name and Company Domain and click on Next. Keep the default values in Target Android Devices and click Next. In the Add an Activity to Mobile screen, select Empty Activity and click Next. Keep the default values in Configure Activity screen and click Finish. Android Studio opens the IDE and select Android view in the Project window.We can see files like MainActivity, activity_main.xml, AndroidManifest.xml


The above picture gives an idea about the gradle scripts that we used in the studio to develop the application.

To run the app on emulator,click the app module in Project window and select Run. click Create New Virtual Device in the Select Deployment Target window.In the Select Hardware system , click on Pixel and click Next. In the System Image screen, select the version of API level. In the Select Deployment Target, select the device and click OK.

Select Deployment Window

Open Android Virtual Device (AVD) screen and see Hello World App displayed on the screen.


Reference: https://developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/creating-project.html

GitHub Account

Create a repository cs5551_6-2_lab-assignments in GitHub Account


Create source and doccumentation folders


Click on clone or Download and open in GitHub Desktop.Click on Commit to master and Push origin. The folders will present in our repository in GitHub Account


ZenHub Tool Account

create three Milestones and add issues to every Milestone. Drag them to closed status and see the analytics graph.


The above picture shows that the issues which are created in all the three milestones have been moved to the closed column in the boards

Milestone1 analytics graph of milestone1

Milestone2 analytics graph of milestone2

Milestone3 analytics graph of milestone3

Contribution Chart We divided Lab Assignment-1 in to two parts. Hello World App in Android Studio and creating repositories and folders in GitHub Account is done by Sandeep, Class id-23. Milestones and UML Class Diagram for ATM Machine is done by Sireesha, Class id-24.


UML Class Diagram for ATM Machine

This is UML Class Diagram for ATM Machine.There are 6 Classes and each class has its Attributes and Operations. There are relationships like Aggregation, Association, Generalization, Composition between the classes. Aggregation is between Bank and ATM, Bank and Account. Association is between ATM and customer. As Account is the Parent Class, Current and Savings Accounts are the Child Class, they have Generalization relationship in between them. ATM


[1]. https://google-developer-training.gitbooks.io/android-developer-fundamentals-course-practicals/content/en/Unit%201/11_p_hello_world.html

[2]. https://d2slcw3kip6qmk.cloudfront.net/marketing/pages/chart/class-diagram-for-ATM-system-UML/Class-Diagram-ATM-system-750x660.png