UnusualTripFilter - nkawa/transitfeed GitHub Wiki
unusual_trip_filter sets the trip_type
for trips that have an unusual pattern for a route. The input GTFS must pass the feedvalidator without any warnings or errors.
The pattern of a trip is the sequence of stops it visits. By default a trip is marked as unusual if its pattern is used by less than 10% of the trips of that route. See http://groups.google.com/group/gtfs-changes/browse_frm/thread/557dd991c453807a for more information about trip_type
unusual_trip_filter is part of the transitfeed distribution. Installation instructions for all operating systems can be found on the TransitFeedDistribution page.
Usage: unusual_trip_filter.py [options] <GTFS.zip>
Sets the trip_type for trips that have an unusual pattern for a route.
<GTFS.zip> is overwritten with the modifed GTFS file unless the --output
option is used.
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o FILE, --output=FILE
Name of the output GTFS file (writing to input feed if
-m, --memory_db Force use of in-memory sqlite db.
Frequency threshold for considering pattern as non-
-r ROUTE_TYPE, --route_type=ROUTE_TYPE
Filter only selected route type (specified by numberor
one of the following names: Cable Car, Tram, Bus,
Rail, Funicular, Subway, Gondola, Ferry).
-f, --override_trip_type
Forces overwrite of current trip_type values.
-q, --quiet Suppress information output.