Custom overlay positioning - njthomson/SrvSurvey GitHub Wiki

Moving the overlay windows

As of build it is possible to manually reposition any of the overlay windows in SrvSurvey by editing a settings file.

The file can be found at: %appdata%\SrvSurvey\SrvSurvey\\plotters.json. Modifications will take effect in real time.

Note: All plotters can be disabled through various settings.

File format

Overlays can be re-positioned relative to the edge of the game window: "<horizontal> , <vertical> , <opacity>".

Alternatively, use os to position any overlay relative to your OS desktop rather than the game window.

  • Horizontal: [ left | center | right | os ] : < +/- pixels >
  • Vertical: [ top | middle | bottom | os ] : < +/- pixels >

Negative numbers are supported and will result in overlays positioned outside of the game window.

It is also possible to override the opacity per overlay with a decimal number between 0 and 1. When not specified, standard opacity setting will be used:

  • Opacity: < decimal number between 0 and 1 >


        "PlotGuardians": "left:8, middle:0, 1",
    "PlotGuardianStatus": "center:0, top:8, 0.5",

Default values

        "PlotBioStatus": "center:0, top:8",
    "PlotFlightWarning": "center:0, top:90",
              "PlotFSS": "center:0, top:8",
         "PlotGrounded": "right:20, middle:0",
        "PlotGuardians": "left:8, middle:0",
   "PlotGuardianStatus": "center:0, top:8",
   "PlotGuardianSystem": "left:10, top:8",
       "PlotPriorScans": "left:8, middle:0",
            "PlotPulse": "left:8, bottom:8",
           "PlotRamTah": "right:8, middle:0",
  "PlotSphericalSearch": "right:8, top:8",
        "PlotSysStatus": "left:8, bottom:44",
      "PlotTrackTarget": "center:440, top:20"

All the overlay windows (aka plotters)

These are all the overlay windows and when they appear:

  • PlotBioStatus Appears when near a planet with bio signals. Default location is center top.


  • PlotFlightWarning Appears when near a planet with gravity higher than the setting. Default location is center top, below other center top overlays.


  • PlotFSS When performing FSS of a system. Default location is center top.


  • PlotGrounded Appears when at the surface of a planet with bio signals. A second overlay will appear when there are tracked locations. Default location is right middle.


  • PlotGuardians Appears when within 4km of a Guardian Ruins or Structure. Default location is left middle.


  • PlotGuardianStatus Appears when within 4km of a Guardian Ruins or Structure. Default location is center top.


  • PlotGuardianSystem Appears when in a star system with Guardian Ruins or Structures. Default location is left top.


  • PlotPriorScans Appears when near a planet where Canonn has data of bio signals. Default location is left middle.


  • PlotPulse Appears the whole time SrvSurvey is running. Default location is left bottom.


  • PlotRamTah Appears when within 4km of a Guardian Ruins or Structure if you have either Ram Tah mission active. Default location is right middle.


  • PlotSphericalSearch Appears in the Galaxy Map if you have activated Spherical limit searches. Default location is top right


  • PlotSysStatus Appears after "honking" a star system. Default location is left bottom.


  • PlotTrackTarget Appears when near a planet if you have set target lat/long co-ordinates. Default location is left of center top.


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️