About SrvSurvey - njthomson/SrvSurvey GitHub Wiki
SrvSurvey is the sole work of Cmdr Grinning2001, started initially as a tool to help survey Guardian ruins that snow-balled into tools to help with exobiology, Guardian structures and Ram Tah missions, then general exploration and mapping human settlements. If you like the tool or have suggestions, give me a shout in Guardian Science Corps on Discord or start a discussion on GitHub. You can even buy me a beer or coffee by donating through PayPal.
See the Wiki to learn more or jump right and install SrvSurvey.
I expect no project with Elite Dangerous is ever truly a solo effort and SrvSurvey is no exception. I am grateful to the Elite Dangerous Community of Developers and their willingness to share code, designs and help fellow engineers, in particular:
- Cmdr NoFoolLikeOne - for outstanding service on Canonn APIs. These are the power behind many SrvSurvey features: exobiology, codex images, Codex Bingo, and identifying human settlement types.
- Cmdr Spansh - because SrvSurvey, like most of our community runs, relies on the search abilities of the of his site.
- Cmdr MattG - for his exploration reward formula and inspiring work in BioInsights.
- Cmdr Alot - for sharing Python code from EDTS for encoding/decoding Sector names.
- The EliteDangerousRegionMap project that maps star system co-ordinates to the galactic region.
- Cmdrs VerticalBlank & T'Kael - for sharing string resources from EDDI.
- EdGalaxy.net - for StarCache support.
I am also grateful to the following individuals for their suggestions, support and testing effort:
Cmdrs V Clara and Running Wild - for inspiring me to begin the project.
Cmdrs Running Wild and LilacLight - for their excellent work in Photogrammetry, generating crisp background maps for Guardian Ruins and Structures.
Cmdr Just - for volunteering the SrvSurvey icon.
Cmdr Seventh_Circle - for the original Guardian Ruins background maps. Alas now replaced by the photogrammetry maps but an impressive effort nonetheless.
Cmdrs Mooing and LilacLight - whose work on cataloging Guardian Ruins and Structures were the basis of the master catalog used by SrvSurvey.
Cmdr EvilHorse - for inspiring work cataloging conditions for exobiology that kick started my prediction code.
And finally to Cmdr Brammmers - for his dedication and patience over months whilst we ironed out the bugs in bio-scanning features. His suggestion to use the Composition Scanner to track locations is by far the best suggestion to the exobiology feature.