Tracking Student Attendance - njc3006/TTKDSeniorProject GitHub Wiki

Our system also offers a feature that allows admins and instructors to easily track the attendance of students and instructors over time. There are two primary ways to do this, through the program attendance page and the student page.

Tracking Attendance through the Program Attendance Page

If you are logged in, this page can be accessed through the home page and then clicking on the panel that says "Program Attendance." If in the proper place, you will see a page that looks like this:

Searching by Name

You can type any student's name into the search box and only attendance records for students with names similar to the search text entered.

Filtering by Program

If you are only interested in who has been attending a specific program, you can select a specific program from the dropdown and only attendance records for that program will show up.

Specifying a Date Range

The top row has two inputs for dates: a start date and an end date. You can use these two inputs in four different ways:

  • If values are entered in both, attendance records between the start and end date will be displayed
  • If only start date is entered, then all records on and after the start date will be displayed
  • If only end date is entered, then all records on and before the end date will be displayed
  • IF neither have a value, then all records since the beginning of time to the latest records available will be shown

Condensed Mode

In addition to these filters, there is also the ability to switch between condensed and uncondensed mode.

In condensed mode records look like this:

The format is very similar to uncondensed mode with two major differences: the dates are range between the earliest and the latest available for the person. In a square on the far right is a number that represents how many times the person has attended a program in the date range.

Tracking Attendance through the Student Page

In addition to the Program Attendance page, student's attendance can also be view on an individual student's information page like so:

As you can see, the controls on the Student Page Attendance Tracking are almost exactly the same as on the Program Attendance Page. It is only missing the condensed/uncondensed mode as well as a search by name field as both of these are unnecessary.