Managing User Accounts - njc3006/TTKDSeniorProject GitHub Wiki
In order to help martial arts studios better manage their records, the system has support for three types of users: administrators, instructors, and students. This page will focus on the first two levels; students are the default, unauthenticated user.
As the needs of your martial arts studio change, so too may those who need to access and modify information. The system allows anyone with administrator permissions to change the access levels of users as need be.
Accessing the User Management Page
To Access the User Management Page:
Navigate to the homepage of the system
If you haven't logged in, do so
Once logged in you can access the user page by clicking on your username in the upper-right corner and clicking on "Manage Accounts" like below:
You should now see a page that looks something like this:
Creating a New User
To create a new user, click on the "Create User" button and the modal below will appear:
Enter all information, and then click the green "Create" button and the new user will show up in the table of users.
Editing an Existing User Account
The system allows admins to change the following information about an existing user account: username and whether or not the user is an admin. However, if you are editing your own account, you can only change your username.
Resetting a User's Password
If a user forgets their password, it is possible for an admin to reset that user's password.
Note: The logged-in admin cannot modify their own password on this screen, they can do it by clicking on their username and then clicking on "Change Password."
To change the password for a different user, simply click the "Reset Password" button in the appropriate row and the following modal will appear:
Note that you need to provide your own password in addition to entering the new password for the user twice. Click the green "Update" button to finalize.
Deleting a User
Finally, an admin can delete any other user account that is registered in the system. The admin cannot delete their own account.
To delete another user, simply click the red "Delete" button. A modal like the one below will appear:
Click the green "Yes" button to finalize the changes.