Installing the System - njc3006/TTKDSeniorProject GitHub Wiki

Our system was designed from the ground up to be easily deployable and self-contained on a Windows-based machine. We include pre-packaged releases to make deployment on your machine easy and convenient. We highly recommend using our pre-packaged zip file to install the system

Installing the System From a Pre-packaged Release

Perform the following steps to install our system, perform the following steps:

  1. Download a file called This file can be found in our Latest Release.

  2. Extract this zip file to a directory of your choosing (although we recommend extracting to C:\Users<your user>). The contents of the zip file will be extracted into a folder called ttkd-no-data. You may rename this folder if you want, but the following instructions will assume you've extracted to that directory

  3. This step only needs to be performed if this is your first time setting up the system on your machine or you are setting the system up from scratch. Navigate to the ttkd folder that was just extracted and double click a file called initialSetup.bat. This file performs important setup such as creating a database and adding the system to your machine's startup folder. This will allow the system to start automatically when your machine boots up, so you don't need to manually start the system every time the computer is turned on.

  4. Double-click the start.bat file, which is also inside the ttkd-no-data folder to start the system.

  5. You may see a prompt like the one below to give the system firewall access. If you see the prompt, be sure to click the "Allow access" button to give the system firewall access.

  6. Once these five steps have been performed, you can verify that the system was successfully installed by opening Google Chrome and entering the url https://localhost:3000/ui/index.html in the top bar. If successful, a web page should load that looks like the following:

Once the page loads you can log in with the default credentials created when the database is. These are:

  • Username: admin; Password: admin
  • Username: instruct; Password: admin
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