Checking in Students and Instructors - njc3006/TTKDSeniorProject GitHub Wiki

Note: This article assumes you've already set up the system.

Setting the Current Program

If you have multiple programs, you will want to select which program is currently occurring. Either logged in or not, you can select the current program by clicking the "Change Program" button:

Once you do so you will see the following modal:

Simply click on the program you want students to check into, and then the rest of the system will adjust accordingly.

Accessing the Check-in Page

Accessing the Student Check-in Page

This page was designed for easy use by non-instructor students. This can easily be accessed from the home page when you are not logged in.

When you access the application, you will see this screen:

On this screen, simply click on the "Begin Check-in" button and you will arrive on the student check-in screen:

Accessing the Instructor Check-in Page

The instructor Check-in page is similar in function to the Student Check-in Page. However, this page has some extra functionality built into it, such as the ability to filter student's by belt, check a student in without a prompt, check students in on other dates, and to undoing a check-in.

To access this page, simply login and then click on the "Instructor Check-in" button like so:

The instructor check-in page looks like this:

Using the Check-in Page

Using the Student Check-in Page

The Student Check-in Page is very simple and was designed to be used by people ages 3 and up.

When on the the check-in screen, simply click on a picture (ideally the one corresponding to your face) and you will see this modal:

If the picture is correct, click the "Yes" button and you will be checked in. Then a green check mark will show up the person's picture like so:

Using the Instructor Check-in Page

To reiterate, the instructor check-in page looks like this:

To navigate to a Student's info page instead of checking them in, simply click on the view button then click on the student you're interested in. You can do the exact same workflow for editing a student by clicking edit and then the student's picture.

If you want to undo a check-in, simply click on a picture with a check mark on it, and the check-in will be undone.

To check in an instructor, scroll to the bottom of the page and you will a section for instructors: