Troubleshooting - njb-said/Godfrey GitHub Wiki

What if I have multiple servers with the same hostname?
Although this is not advised it should work ok, it will just mean all servers with that hostname will execute the command you sent.

My command is not executing
That's not very descriptive, therefore I can't help you much. Check the answers below and see if one fits your problem.

I sent my command to server yourservername, but nothing happened!
Make sure your server's hostname is actually set to the hostname you specified.
Generally to do this you just need to type hostname yourservername

When I start the java application I get an error
That's not very descriptive, therefore I can't help you much. Check the answers below and see if one fits your problem.

I am getting a socket exception error
Check your redis server is working and on the given credentials

I get an illegalargumentexception when starting the java application!
This usually means you didn't include redis credentials. See the examples below for more help:
Connect to server without auth
To run the java app and connect to a redis server running on on port 6379 do this:
java -jar Godfrey.jar 6379
Connect to server with auth
To run the java app and connect to a redis server running on on port 6379, with auth password as abcdef do this:
java -jar Godfrey.jar 6379 abcdef