Example: How to send a command. - njb-said/Godfrey GitHub Wiki


Please read the Packet Spec wiki page for additional information regarding the general layout of packets sent/received.
Packet type is: COMMANDREQUEST

Via Web Interface (Recommended)

Coming Soon

How to send a command to a specific server

To send a command you will need to publish data to the redis channel godfrey-comms in JSON format. The JSON object must consist of the following:

  • A hostname, this is the hostname of the target server where you want the command to run.
  • A data, a json object which has the command you want to send and a unique identifier (normally the command and a timestamp for when you requested the command, hashed with md5 is good)

As mentioned above you will need to put command and hashId into the data object. The server will then run the command and publish what the command outputs in shell back to you in the response line packet.

How to send a command to all servers

Warning: This feature is recommended for advanced users only.

To send a command to all servers you will need to publish data to the redis channel godfrey-comms in JSON format. The JSON object must consist of the following:

  • A hostname, this must be an asterisk (*)
  • A data, a json object which has the command you want to send and a unique identifier (normally the command and a timestamp for when you requested the command, hashed with md5 is good)

As mentioned above you will need to put command and hashId into the data object. The servers will then each run the command and publish what the command outputs in shell back to you in the response line packet.