Final Change log - niyaskareem/HEMSScripts GitHub Wiki


  • Resolved a scenario where the message pattern may break due to 8 second delay for Ignition detection
  • Resolved an issue where you would not get tagout if the tagout timer expires due to an operational issue
  • Message format change for tagout
  • Resolved an issue where idling timer does not stop in case when idling is detected but not started and the ignition is off causing IDLS as soon as ignition is detected
  • Resolved an issue where tagging in would not flip the relay to un immobilize an asset
  • Changed reboot command to be compatible with BOLERO40 Series
  • Changed Idling logic
  • Added Fault enable/Disable
  • Added reset condition remoteupdate


  • Added antenna configs
  • Fixed an issue where you would get tagout without a tagin as it is working on a different tag mode
  • Added startup reason along with power up message format
  • Re worked towing to handle sudden speed downs to zero
  • Powerup handler re workded releasing more Alarms
  • Overspeed reworked to stop sending overspeed end when vehicle move down bridges
  • Added date and time to Fault events
  • Improved powerloss filtering
  • Heartbeat messages to have Devicename and Startupreason