narratives - nismod/smif GitHub Wiki

smif: Editable model parameters are exposed to the system-of-systems user

Users should be able to change the value of model parameters, for example:

  • efficiency improvements of technologies over time
  • rate at which population increases in a scenario model
  • discount rate
  • emission factors etc.

Narratives hold a list of available parameters together with suggested ranges. Users can create a narrative variant policy file to over-ride the default values with new values.


Move narratives out of sos_model


  • narratives
  • smif

Look at consistency between parameter/narrative and interventions/planned_interventions - these are both things which are composed of things associated with a model, then used at a modelrun/sosmodel level

Global Model parameters can be defined for a SosModel


  • narratives
  • smif

Global model parameter have associated attributes, including


A global parameter is available to all sector models included in a sos model via the data_handle.get_parameter() method. A global parameter can be added to one or more narratives (and its default value over-ridden).

User can add global parameters to SosModel in GUI


  • narratives
  • smif


  • Add a new parameter form within the sos_model to add a global parameter and default data.
  • Allow global parameters to be added to a narrative (by including them in the parameter list).

A user can add a global parameter to a sos model. See tasks below:

A governance narrative policy should modify the availability and value of interventions in locations and years


  • narratives
  • smif

e.g. Calliope uses the concept of configuration files which override default values for model parameters. This allows default values to be applied using a sort of parameter template, and then different combinations of policy files to optionally override these parameter values for specific regions, years, and so on.

We could implement this by using global model parameters to influence a "SectorModel" script which writes out a list of interventions with modified values - e.g. costs, locations etc.

Narrative policy files should operate across the system-of-systems model


  • narratives
  • smif

Some example policies:

  • no-build of a technology type
  • no-build in a particular area
  • constraint on GHG emissions

These operate on global parameters which are common to each of the system models