Clustering - niranjv/ml-notes GitHub Wiki



  • Find sub-groups/clusters in data by partitioning into groups s.t. samples within groups are more similar to each compared to samples in other group
  • Unsupervised learning since no labelled data is available; training data consists only of features
  • Requires definition of similarity/dissimilarity
  • Input is a set of features for each sample; output is a cluster/class for each sample.
  • Used mainly for exploratory data analysis and visualization
  • Can also be used as part of a hierarchical supervised learning pipeline where regression/classification is done separately for each cluster


  • Group samples into K distinct non-overlapping clusters that minimize within-cluster variation (sum of squares from cluster centroid)

Lloyd's Algorithm for K-Means

  • Assign some points to be cluster centers (randomly or using k-means++)
  • E-step: Assign each of the remaining points to one of the clusters based on whichever cluster has the lowest within-cluster sum of squares (same as Euclidean distance => assign to 'nearest' cluster).
  • M-step: After all points have been assigned, re-compute centroid of each cluster as its mean
  • Repeat until point assignments don't change or max number of iterations has been reached
  • Results in a Voronoi diagram with linear decision boundaries

K-Means Assumptions

  • Data has only K clusters
  • Clusters are spherical with similar variance
  • Clusters have similar size
  • Sum of Squared Errors (variance) is an appropriate clustering metric for the data
  • All clusters are equally likely


  • scikit-learn: KMeans, Mini-batch K-Means
  • R: kmeans
  • Spark: KMeans, BisectingKMeans, StreamingKMeans (generalization of mini-batch K-Means)

Gaussian Mixture Models

  • GMM is a composite distribution where each point in the distribution is drawn from one of k distinct Gaussian distributions
  • EM algorithm is used to determine parameters of the k distributions and the probability of each point belonging to the k distributions


  • scikit-learn: Gaussian Mixture Models
  • Spark: GaussianMixture, GaussianMixtureModel

GMMs vs KMeans

  • In K-Means, a point must belong to exactly 1 cluster (it is either in or not in a cluster)
  • GMMs can assign probability of a point belonging to each of the k clusters
  • GMMs can be considered as a generalization of K-Means (i.e., soft K-Means)
  • Expectation-Maximization is a generalization of both K-Means and GMMs

Hierarchical Clustering

  • Can be agglomerative (bottom-up) or divisive (top-down) like bisecting K-Means
  • Build nested clusters by merging or splitting them successively
  • Generates all possible clusters from 1 to n in a dendrogram


  • R: hclust, cutree
  • Spark: BisectingKMeans, BisectingKMeansModel

Affinity Propagation

  • Creates clusters by sending messages between pairs of samples until convergence

Mean Shift

  • Discover blobs in smooth density of samples

Spectral Clustering

  • Low-dim embed affinity matrix between samples, followed by K-Means in low-dim space


  • View clusters as area of high density separated by areas of low density


  • Builds a Characteristic Feature Tree (CFT) for training data

Power Iteration Clustering

  • Cluster vertices of a graph when pairwise similarities are given as edge properties
  • Pairwise similarities should be non-negative and symmetric; missing similarities = 0
  • Computes pseudo-eigenvector of normalized affinity matrix and uses it to cluster vertices
  • Input = (src-vertex, dest-vertex, similarity); output = model with cluster assignments


  • Spark: PowerIterationClustering

Evaluation Metrics for Clustering

  • Adjusted Rand index
  • Mutual Information-based scores
  • Homogeneity, completeness & V-measure
  • Fowlkes-Mallows scores
  • Silhouette coefficient
  • Calinski-Harabaz Index