v2 Command Line Options - ninthwalker/NowShowing GitHub Wiki

v2 Command-line Options

These command line options below are not normally needed and are only for further testing or troubleshooting. You will either need to docker exec into the docker or run docker exec non interactively at the command line.

command line syntax: nowshowing [report type] [options]

Report Types

combinedreport For Both email and web
emailreport For only email
webreport For only web
announcementreport For Announcement Email


-n, --no-plex-email - Do not send emails to Plex friends. Can be used with the recipients_email and recipients config file option to customize email recipients.

-t, --test-email - Send email only to the Plex owner (ie yourself). For testing purposes

-d, --detailed-email - Send more details in the email, such as movie ratings, actors, etc

-v --verbose - For advanced logging and troubleshooting. Can add additional v's for more logging. ie: -vvv


To send a test email and create a web page:
docker exec nowshowing combinedreport -t

To send just a test email but with details:
docker exec nowshowing emailreport -d -t

To send a test Announcement Email:
docker exec nowshowing announcementreport -t