unRAID Instructions - ninthwalker/NowShowing GitHub Wiki
Installation on unRAID
NOTE: Screenshots need updating for v2, but you get the idea..
Preferred Method: Community Applications
Step 1: Click on Apps & type in "NowShowing"
Step 2: Click Add
Step 3: Select your branch
Selecting Default will install the latest stable version of NowShowing.
Selecting dev will install the latest development version of NowShowing.
Step 4: Fill out the template
Step 4a: Advanced Section - Optional
Optional - Enter in Plex Token instead of using username/password
Optional - Modify the UID/GID
Step 5: Installation is complete
Your installation of NowShowing is complete. If you desire to change any of the config files they can be found at your /config install path.
You can also install by adding the following template repository to unraid:
You can now edit the advanced.yaml
(and optionally email_body.erb
& web_email_body.erb
) with your own settings in your appdata dir. See /config/advanced.yaml.example
or the Github Wiki for details.
By default, the email will be sent out every Friday at 10:30am, and the web report will be generated once a day at 11:30pm local time. To change the schedules, enter in your own cron time in the advanced.yaml file. Restart the docker to have the changes take effect. See this page for help creating a time/date in cron: https://crontab.guru/