Other Docker Platforms - ninthwalker/NowShowing GitHub Wiki

Installation for other Generic Docker servers

Below are the various ways to run NowShowing v2 using docker:

All commands should work in windows or linux variants of docker.

If you do not understand the docker commands, I would suggest for you to learn a little about docker first. The commands below are for reference. Replace the contents with your own variables.

Option 1) docker run command-line with all variables specified at run time:

docker run -d \  
--name=NowShowingv2 \  
--net=bridgde \  
-e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" \    
-p 6878:6878/tcp \  
-v "/path/to/local/server/config/location":"/config":rw \  

Option 2) docker-compose using a docker-compose.yml file that looks something like this:

 image: ninthwalker/nowshowing:v2
 container_name: NowShowingv2
  - /opt/nowshowing:/config
  - 6878:6878
  - TZ=America/Los_Angeles
 restart: always

Then run: docker-compose up -d

Option 3) docker run command-line with variables specified in .env file that looks like this:


Then run:

docker run -d \    
--name=NowShowingv2 \    
--net=bridge \  
-p 6878:6878/tcp \  
--env-file=nowshowing.env \  

Optional Variables:

Use PUID and GUID to change /config directory permissions:
-e PUID="99"
-e PGID="100"

To enable Fail2ban support add the following to your docker run command:

You can now login to the admin page at http://hostIP:hostPort/admin.
If this is your first time a Setup Wizard will guide you through the basic settings and you can login for advanced settings afterwards.

By default, the email will be sent out every Friday at 10:30am, and the web report will be generated once a day at 11:30pm local time. To change the schedules, enter in your own cron time on the Report Tab in the Web Interface.

See this page for help creating a time/date in cron: https://crontab.guru/