To do lists (by date) - nino-c/mr-code-switcher GitHub Wiki
Early May 2016
- logged-in user: add ability to select specific snapshots to display in collections
- main page design
- simplify -- show bg-app more prominently
- app listing
- list top n apps, with more... list by name, show category only on lower level
- sequences of thumbnail images, improve directive to always load integral multiple of #-per-row
- image plerper (add anim)
- homogenize imagesets, add 1 largest per app
completeness: 4/5
verify vectorparams working on update and save
- color to number
- compare to older
if no seed, request to app-ordered fails (3D maze)
completeness: 9/10
- seedify bg-app
- keep b&w
- operator overloading
- solution 1: compile at runtime
- [x not good] solution 2 (better for now?): convert all vec operations to sylvester
- solution 3: easiest: django templates with real javascript instead of eval()
- solution 4 [CHOSEN]: use directive for all canvases!
completeness: 5/5
- lazy loading
completeness: 0/5
main instance page
- mobile -> seed editor as popup only
- work in reactive sizing into userapps themselves?
category only if enabled
popularity indeces
Late April 2016
- verify vectorparams working on update and save
- rethink (simplify) layout of front page to show bg-app more
- seedify bg-app
- keep b&w
- operator overloading
- solution 1: compile at runtime
- solution 2 (better for now?): convert all vec operations to sylvester
- infinite-scroll (lazy loading)
- sequences of thumbnail images, improve directive to always load integral multiple of #-per-row
- play-through
- main instance page
- mobile -> seed editor as popup only
- work in reactive sizing into userapps themselves?
Early April 2016
remaining 4-13
- make login/signup template/navigation consistent
- disable signup
- change z-index of loader to make toolbar buttons clickable!
- aws-serv:
- socketio bug
- ensure seedvals always parsed and are consistent
- seed-vector ordering
- increment popularity upon view of
- iPhone vertical layout
- create seed->psqlcol transform for indexing by seed-vector
- order display of instances on app-detail page
- enforce 1 unique instance per seed-vector
remaining 4-08
- instance-sets (automatization of snapshots and instance creation by varying 1 seed param through set of values)
- user control
- function
- redesign main layout and flow (simplified)
- seed editor, bottombar bugs
- change seed editor into seeddisplay and mdDialog
- multiple canvas / paper issue
- make one directive for both canvases (did iframe instead)
- snapshots
- rework instance creation
- remove multi-user elements (equivalent to user-not-logged-in)
- check security in API
- add extra panel for featured mathematical expression display
- add algebraeic symmetry subgroups app
- fractal trees, add color2 on last iteration for creation of flowers as well as trees
- enforce only one instance per seed vector
- make seed editor movable / transparent / collapsable
- well, smaller anyway
- add fork-app feature
- track parent-app hierarchy
- add hook for music viz through user-app editor
Late March 2016
- codemirror does not show text until clicked
- in instance display: upon change seed values, does not clear canvas fully before redraw
- 2-dim maze only?
- mathjax not redrawing on some navigation
Symbolic math
"sin(x)cos(y)" without space does not parse
- review sympy parser options
add handlers to ensure canvas clear upon instance destroy
make music stop upon app destroy
mar 25
- integrate audio analysis, music viz capability
- colorpicker input in seededitor
- repair resaving and re-running of app, (after seed-struct refactoring)
- finish implementing
interface for all apps- remove event listeners
- delete vars?
- on Three.js, extra canvases must be removed
- eval coffeescript
- modularize functions in apps --
- modularize functions in apps --
- make sure it works with paper (outside inclusion has shown to be problematic in past)
- app-editor: on load larger source, need loading spinner on codemirror textareas
Early March
re-integrate previous work linking sympy backend to parse (mathematical -> javascript -> latex) expressions
- slight reconfiguring of seedStructure specs, add "math" datatype
upon edit seedStructure, append default to existing instances' seeds
finish implementing "color" datatype in seed editor
specific apps
- multiple solvers still showing when many different instances are viewed back-to-back
style / templates
login/account right-end topbar
top bar
- transparent/not-transparent anim
bottom bar covering seed-editor codemirror window
delete instance
save-as-new-instance function
save-as-new-instance button should re-execute app IF seed changed
automatic screenshot each seed-change
fix paper.js new-seed redraw bug
add catch for syntax error in seed structure
add "loading" indicator on:
- load instance
seed editor
- fix 2-way binding
- (fixed, but not as cleanly as I would have liked)
- (should have used component/directive -- perhaps the problem is the fact that the scope for this is within a call to
- (should have used component/directive -- perhaps the problem is the fact that the scope for this is within a call to
- (fixed, but not as cleanly as I would have liked)
- fix 2-way binding
instance display page
on reload instance, canvas seems to be getting cleared, but variables from the
-ed scope need to be wiped. (Why are elements of the previous instance rendering still showing) [easyfix: reload page -> :(] -
after take snapshot on load page, when navigate back -- bindings do not render in template!
- this one seems to be a fluke that may have been fixed by correcting something in
?? [to re-investigate]
- this one seems to be a fluke that may have been fixed by correcting something in
instantiate function
add apps:
- fractal trees
- musicviz
- assemble playlist
Feb. 11, 2016
- design UI with angular-material, html-component first
- merge back existing angular app
Feb. 3, 2016
to research:
- CSRF tokens (or lack of them) in AJAX requests with rest_framework
- snapshot feature has a successful ajax POST (but obvious security hole to fix later)
- so why new
function returning 403?
- so why new
- snapshot feature has a successful ajax POST (but obvious security hole to fix later)
to do:
- layout of main apps page
- correct automatic symbol slicing error on symbolic_math latex function
- add special handling for three.js scripts, different snapshot function for WebGL, etc.
Feb. 2, 2016
seed display / editor
seed display for polynomial landscape
- incorporate latex (compile on server with sympy)
- 3 seeds:
- display:
- full function in latex/mathjax
- projection matrix in latex/mathjax
- target color (only splotch, no number)
- (edit icon or cog beneath)
- editor:
- small modal window
- 1 field for each coefficient (use sympy to compute the list of coeffecient combinations
- display:
(seed editor edits the ACTUAL seeds from the JSON -- an app may choose to display something on the "fancy screen", meaning it is always present. Everything else, accessible only by cog)
ordered tasks: ("before I can do __ , I need to do ___") ::repeat
- investigate sympy [chosen] vs. sage for latex generation
- add server-side hooks for math. processing (
module) - map between js, sympy, and math. function syntax
- latex/mathjax on screen
Feb. 1, 2016
to learn:
- [LESS chosen and implemented]
to do on plerp tonight:
- function in 1 var, 1 param
- add string inputs to seed-editor (most of work tonight on seeds)
- modularize paperscript code-groups (cartesian plane setup, for example) into includable-by-user modules