TODOs - ninazeina/SXP GitHub Wiki
(B): Bugs
(F): Functionnalities
Complete Wiki per module (F).
Strictly enforce Façade (F).
Test multi-machine working in TP rooms (B).
Long term
Move crypto stuff from Controller to CryptManagerDecorator (F).
Finalize client (F).
Error feedback on client (F).
Implement Delete objects (F).
Better authentification Client/REST (F).
Linux client no animations and sidemenu button doesn't work (B).
Validate data systematically (F). Show violations at the level of GUI.
Check signature of retrieved data systematically (F).
Systematize use of UserManagerInterface instead of EntityManager, and so on (F).
Latency between two successive searches, since we are still waiting for results from the first (F).
Improve, test resilience (F).
Messaging (F).
Protocols (F).
end() method for manager returns list of modified objects (F).
watchlist() method for manager returns list of watched objects (F).
refresh() method for managers. To republish advertisements for instance. (F).
More Tests, aim at 80% (F).
Upgrade to Angular2 / Typescript
Alternative version in React-native / Redux / Flow
Student Projects
uPNP, JXTA en dehors du réseau
Switch everything to TomP2P
Look for P2P solutions on Android
Tests unitaires
Load bar
Linux compatibility
Déploiement totalement intégré pour tous les OS
Secured REST
https between client and rest
authentification of the client with the server, possibly using certification authority "let's encrypt"
this contains a two-party contract signing protocol
generalize to multi-party
make a mini-controller for signing
plug it to have it run using network multi-server single-machine
Implement Messaging
In model/entity/ create Message.
Create message managers
Controller methods for searching/sending them
Client GUI for that.
Improve Model
Make sure it is called in the right way, through factories, favaouring Managers over SyncManagers
Provide whatchlist(), refresh(), return value for end()
Implement resilience
see old project