Installation - ninazeina/SXP GitHub Wiki

Install for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Install git

sudo apt-get install git  
mkdir git  
git config --global “alice”  
git config --global [email protected]  
git config --global core.editor gedit  
git config --global merge.tool kdiff3  
git config --global credential.helper cache  
git config --global push.default simple  
git config --list  

Clone SXP

git clone  

Install compiler tools

sudo apt-get install default-jdk  
sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy  
sudo apt-get install nodejs-npm  
sudo apt-get install gradle  
sudo npm install electron-packager -g

Install GUI

cd src/main/js/
electron-packager . SXP --platform=linux --arch=x64 --version=1.2.3

(if electron-packager is not available see alternative way of running the GUI below)

Install Backend

cd ~/git/SXP  
gradle build

Launch GUI

cd src/main/js/SXP-linux-x64  

Alternative way

cd src/main/js/
google-chrome --disable-web-security --user-data-dir html/index.html

Launch Backend

gradle run

Install for MacOS

Use macport instead of apt-get. Slight modifications:

sudo port install nodejs6
sudo port install npm3
electron-packager . SXP --platform=darwin --arch=x64 --version=1.2.3
cd src/main/js/SXP-darwin-x64 

Install Windows

Download and install latest Github git client.

Clone the repo.

Download and install latest JDK. This should update the classpath automatically.

Download and install latest Gradle.

Download and install latest NodeJS. It includes npm.

npm install electron-packager -g
cd src/main/js/
electron-packager . SXP --platform=windows --arch=x64 --version=1.2.3

Launch as for other platforms.

Setting up Eclipse

Install latest version for Java developers. This ought to include support for git (egit) and gradle (buildship), check for instance in

File > Import... > Gradle Project 

To import the project, you must use the Gradle wizard! Accept recommended options such as gradle wrapper.

Launch by going to gradle tasks pane, Application > run.