Setup Kafka on cluster - nimbo3/Keenbo GitHub Wiki
Setup Kafka on cluster
We will setup Kafka on cluster of 3 nodes. Kafka must be implemented in cluster of odd nodes.
- Java 8 must be installed.
must be set correctly. - Zookeeper must be installed. We suppose that default port of zookeeper (2181) was set. if you changed it, use appropriate port in Kafka configurations.
- We assume that we have 3 clusters which theirs name is:
Install Kafka
First download Kafka and extract it in a specific folder. Do this on all your nodes.
$ wget
$ tar -xvf kafka_2.12-2.3.0.tgz
$ mv kafka_2.12-2.3.0 /opt/kafka
$ rm kafka_2.12-2.3.0.tgz
Configure Kafka
First of all, configure Kafka properties. There is a prepared configuration file inside /opt/kafka/config/
. Configure it as below: = 0 # it must be unique between servers
listeners = PLAINTEXT://
advertised.listeners = PLAINTEXT://your-host-name:9092
delete.topic.enable=true # delete a topic, automatically delete it from zookeeper
log.retention.hours=72 # old messages will be deleted after 72 hours
zookeeper.connect = master:2181 , slave-1:2181 , slave-2:2181
Do this configuration on all nodes of cluster.
Enable JMX Of Kafka
For activating status of Kafka, edit /opt/kafka/bin/
file and change this line of code:
KAFKA_JMX_OPTS=" -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=master"
then export JMX port inside opt/kafka/bin/
before last line:
export JMX_PORT=9999
Start Kafka
To start Kafka, use this command:
/opt/kafka/bin/ /opt/kafka/config/
If you want to bring it up as service, use this command:
/opt/kafka/bin/ -daemon /opt/kafka/config/
Use jps
command to know when it is started. It's process will be seen as Kafka
If it is failed to start, look at logs to understand what is problem. it's probably because of incorrect configuration.
Restart Kafka
To restart kafk, you must stop it and after stopped successfully, start it again.
Use jps
command to know when it is stopped.
Check Kafka Cluster
Use command below to see status of Kafka cluster.
/opt/kafka/bin/ master:2181 ls /brokers/ids
You must see something like this when you run this command:
Connecting to master:2181
WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:None path:null
[0, 1, 2]
Note: The last line shows Kafka cluster ids which are connected to each other.
Test Kafka
Create a consumer and producer in different terminals and check you Kafka:
/opt/kafka/bin/ --topic links --from-beginning --bootstrap-server master:9092,slave-1:9092,slave-2:9092
/opt/kafka/bin/ --broker-list master:9092,slave-1:9092,slave-2:9092 --topic links