SEO - nimbletank/nimbletank-coding-standards GitHub Wiki


Site Architecture


  • URLs should be keyword optimised and user friendly (avoid *+%! characters)
  • Use hyphens instead of underscores to separate words within the URL
  • URL length should be under 100 characters
  • Keep URLs lowercase
  • 'Non www' versions of URLs should redirect to the www version e.g. should 301 to
  • Non-secure 'http' versions of URLs should redirect to the secure 'https' version e.g. should 301 to
  • /default.aspx or /index.html style URLs should rewrite to

Website crawlers & bots

  • Include both HTML and XML sitemaps to help users and crawlers discover your site's structure and content (sitemaps should automatically update with the addition/removal/editing of pages)
  • Robots.txt or Meta robots tags should only block select directories/pages as required
  • Content should load within HTML (crawlers can have trouble with JavaScript etc.)
  • An editable rel="canonical" tag should be implemented on every page
  • Content should still be visible with JavaScript and CSS styles turned off in browser

Semantic Web, Schema and Rich Snippets

  • Implement any structured data (Schema) elements relevant to your website including breadcrumbs, event, organization, local business, ratings/reviews, price, product, images for eCommerce etc. - here is a great tool for getting started with Schema
  • Insert publisher/author Google+ rel="publisher" and rel="author" into markup where applicable

Multi-platform & Multi-device

  • Cater for multiple devices including desktop, mobile and tablet
  • Site should work across all browsers and major operating systems
  • Ensure site conforms to Google's Mobile SEO Best Practices.

User Tracking / Conversion

  • Implement Google Tag Manager across all pages incorporating Google Analytics and AdWords codes as applicable
  • Implement Google Webmaster Tools
  • Redirect users to a 'thank you' page after any form submission