CSS - nimbletank/nimbletank-coding-standards GitHub Wiki
CSS class naming scheme
This naming scheme uses Kickoff's CSS class naming scheme
Kickoff uses a bespoke naming scheme for classnames, inspired loosely by the BEM naming scheme.
This obviously isn’t compulsory to use in your own Kickoff projects, but is documented here as guidance, and is what we use across our Kickoff projects.
/* Descriptors use camel-casing if more than one word: e.g. twoWords */
.form {
/* ========= */
/* Child elements use single hyphens: - */
.form-controlGroup {
/* ========= */
/* Modifier element use a double hyphen: -- */
.form {
.form--horizontal {
/* ========= */
/* Element state: .is- or .has- */
.is-active {
/* ========= */
/* Sass variables use dash-case */
a {
color: $color-primary;
- Can I Use - "Can I use" provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies on desktop and mobile web browsers.
- Flexbox reference
- CSS Grid reference
- Cubic bezier curve creator
- Ceaser - Cubic bezier curve generator
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- Fluid-responsive font-size calculator - To scale typography smoothly across viewport widths.
- Browserhacks - Browserhacks is an extensive list of browser specific CSS and JavaScript hacks from all over the interwebs
- Absolute centering - useful techniques for absolute centering in CSS