Issue tracking workflow - nikolaynikolaevn/Findiro GitHub Wiki

For each new feature, a new branch is created from the development branch. In the case of bugfixes, it should be branched from the master branch. Once the hotfix is complete it is merged to both develop and master. See Gitflow Workflow.

Branch naming

To create a branch associated with an issue, name a branch in the format "xx-title-of-issue", where xx is the id of the issue.

Open / Backlog

This lane contains all issues that are open and to be solved during a sprint at some point. All NOT Closed issues are part of this lane.

To do

This label applies to issues that are to be solved in the upcoming/current sprint. Once a developer is working on issue, it should be moved by the developer to the Doing lane.


This label applies to both issues and merge requests.


Issues labeled as Doing are issues that are currently being worked on by the developers they are assigned to. This should be an accurate reflection of what is being worked on. If an issue is not actively being worked on but it is still valid, it should be moved back to the To do lane.

Merge requests

Merge requests labeled as Doing are requests that are currently being reviewed by the assignees. If a merge request is not actively being reviewed but it is still needed, it should be moved back to the To do lane.


Issues labeled as Done are issues that are done but are not yet merged to the development branch or are awaiting review. In both cases, a merge request containing the introduced changes for that issue should be made. When the branch corresponding to this issue is merged to the development branch the issues can be closed.


Closed issues are:

  1. Issues for which their related branches are merged into the development branch.
  2. Issues that are no longer applicable.


Critical issues to be resolved as fast as possible during the current sprint.



Issues related to the User/Graphical Interface.


Issues related to infrastructure/data storage.