Coding convention - nikoladimitroff/GiftOfTheSanctum GitHub Wiki
Coding convention
Discipline makes perfect so please abide the following convention
Getting started
Remember to install your git hooks in order to automate most of the process.
- Adhere to Google's naming convention (except for filenames!, see next bullet)
- Use snake_case for all filenames. (i.e. my_fireball_image.png)
- Limit your lines to 80 characters.
- Use 4 spaces (not tabs) for indentation.
- Never commit trailing spaces.
- All game-specific code must be inside the
namespace. - Prefer code that runs inside the main game loop as opposed to async callbacks. This is rule's only exception is content loading.
- Prefer composition over inheritance.
- Prefer not to include 3rd party libraries if you have the chance.
- Each and every git commit must begin with one of the following tags and and
short explanation of the work done:
- [Feature]
- [Enhancement]
- [Fix]
- [Content]
- [Refactor]
- [Tools]
- If your commit matches more than 1 category, include all of them.
- If no category fits your commit either add the category here or use a wildstar (
). - The commit message must be a complete English sentence.
- For bigger commits, write a detailed description using bullets (see example).
These are valid messages:
[Fix] Doing that thing no longer causes that other thing to break.
* Fixed typos in the docs of PlayerManager
[Feature] Implemented a pooling system.
* Removed code that was colliding with the pooling system.
* Added a static global "Pool" object that lets you create and release objects.
* Added the following configuration settings:
- MaxObjectsPerPool - limits the maximum number of currently active objects of the same time
- OptimizeForSpeed - causes the system to use more memory in order to achieve better CPU performance.
Architectural notes
The game is heavily data-driven so try to stick with that. Prefer dumb data objects and smart managers over smart data objects and dumb (if any) managers.