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A user related to another user

Every user registered to the website, can follow other registered users and critics. Every user when they search for a movie , at the bottom of the page can view reviews and ratings given by other users. By clicking on the name of the user in the reviews and rating section, they can view the user’s profile and follow them by clicking on the follow button on their profile page. On clicking on the follow button, the user is added to the follows array in the user model. By navigating back to our profile, the user we have followed is listed under the following section.

A user searches for list of domain objects that match a criteria

Every user, even though he\she is not logged in can search for movies. They can search for movies by typing in the movie title at the search bar provided on the home page. They are then navigated to another page having all the related results.

A user views details of a particular domain object listed in the search results

By clicking on any of the links on the search results page, the user is navigated to a movie info page. All the details of the selected movie is displayed for example the poster, a brief summary, release date, ratings etc. A list of cast details are also displayed on the page. By clicking on any of the cast names, the user is navigated to the cast details page.

A user views all domain objects related to the user

Every registered user can view all the reviews and ratings they have given on different movies on their profile page. Every registered user can search for a movie on the search bar provided on their profile page and then select from the search results. The registered user can add reviews and ratings to any movie and when they navigate back to their profile page, the ratings and reviews given by them are displayed on their profile page.

A user views all other users related to the user

Every registered user can view the list of users or critics they are following on their profile page. Every user registered to the website, can follow other registered users and critics. Every user when they search for a movie , at the bottom of the page can view reviews and ratings given by other users. By clicking on the name of the user in the reviews and rating section, they can view the user’s profile and follow them by clicking on the follow button on their profile page. On clicking on the follow button, the user is added to the follows array in the user model. By navigating back to our profile, the user we have followed is listed under the following section.

A user related to a domain object

A user can add ratings and reviews to their favourite movies after searching for them in the search bar. A user can rate or review any number of movies. The id of the movies the user has rated or reviewed is stored in the user data model.

A domain object related to another domain object

Every movie has a set of reviews and ratings given by several users. Every user when they search for a movie, at the bottom of the page can view reviews and ratings given by other users.

Admin creates user

On logging in with the credentials, username : admin and password : admin the admin profile page is displayed. At the top-right on the header an admin icon is displayed. By clicking on it, an admin console page is displayed with different options to manage ratings, reviews , users and critics. On clicking on manage users or manage critics the admin can create a user or critic and also set their roles. After the user has been created a message is displayed saying the user was successfully created. On the same page, under the list of users section, the newly created user would have been added.

Admin lists all users

On logging in with the credentials, username : admin and password : admin the admin profile page is displayed. At the top-right on the header an admin icon is displayed. By clicking on it, an admin console page is displayed with different options to manage ratings, reviews , users and critics. The admin on clicking on either manage users or critics can view all the list of users and critics.

Admin updates an user

On logging in with the credentials, username : admin and password : admin the admin profile page is displayed. At the top-right on the header an admin icon is displayed. By clicking on it, an admin console page is displayed with different options to manage ratings, reviews , users and critics. The admin can update the user roles by setting in true or false. The admin has to set the role to true if the admin wants to make him the admin and click on update. A success message is displayed on updating the user.

Admin deletes an user

On logging in with the credentials, username : admin and password : admin the admin profile page is displayed. At the top-right on the header an admin icon is displayed. By clicking on it, an admin console page is displayed with different options to manage ratings, reviews , users and critics. The admin can delete an user by clicking on the delete icon provided next to the particular user details. On deleting, the list containing all the users gets updated as a user has been deleted. If the particular user deleted wants to login they will not be able to login.

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