Project - nikhilaraya/raya-nikhila-webdev GitHub Wiki
Description of your project
A social movie site for discovering new movies, learning about movies, and meeting others with similar tastes in movies. The site allows users to view movie trailers as well as learn about the new and upcoming movies in the box office. Users are also invited to rate any film on a scale of 1 to 5, and the totals are converted into a weighted mean-rating that is displayed beside each title.
A registration process is necessary, to contribute info to the site. A registered user is given a profile page. This profile page also shows personal movie ratings and reviews and also the list of users being followed.
If a registered user or visitor happens to be a critic can contribute to the site as well and give ratings as well as reviews on movies and view its content.
The admin administers the users of the object. The admin can add or update or delete or view all the user details and all the movies.The login page will include the google as well as facebook api for logging in. The tmdb api will be used for listing out the top movies, and also the api will be used for searching for a particular movie or tv show. A user can rate, review and keep a track of movies that you watch but also create collections & make lists. The website helps a user connect to others by letting them know the ratings and reviews given by the other users on particular movies. The user can also discover and get to know the latest movies and the top rated movies.
Domain objects
Ratings given by the user for a particular movie Comments given by a users for a particular movie Movies which are given ratings and reviews by users Users can follow or unfollow each other
Human users for the domain and the relation with other users
The admin - The admin can add or update or delete or view all the user details and all the movies. Registered user - Can add comments, rate and follow or unfollow other users. Anonymous users - Can only view the list of movies or tv shows but cannot view the ratings or reviews of a particular movie Critic - can add reviews,ratings and view movie details along with the cast info. The critic can also follow or unfollow a user.
Relation of the users with domain objects
A registered user can comment,view comments of a particular movie or rate a movie. The user can rate movies as well as follow other users
Anonymous users can only search for movies and view the details of the movie.